* Current Master Ntee Lookup (April 2009).

EIN "Employer identification number."
NAME "Organization name."
ADDRESS "Street address"
CITY "City"
STATE "Two-letter state abbreviation."
NTEECC "NTEECC classification"
zip5 "First 5 digits of zip code"
NteeFinal "NCCS NTEE Classification code (3 or 5-character code)"
NteeConfF "NTEE Code classification confidence rating (A/B/C)"
outnccs "Out-of-scope (IN/OUT) (see OUTREAS doc. for details)"
OUTREAS "Reason why out of scope"
SUBSECCD "IRS subsection code (03=501(c)(3), etc.)"
NTEEconf "NTEE classification confidence rating (A/B/C)"
RULEDATE "Ruling date: year and month of IRS ruling or determination letter recognizing orgs exempt status (YYYYMM)"
FNDNCD "Reason for & type of 501(c)(3) exempt status including codes for operating and grantmaking foundations, and broad type of public charity"
NTEESOI "NTEE code assigned by IRS SOI Division"
NTEEIRS "NTEE code assigned by IRS (includes NTEE-CC & XP codes)"
NTEECC4D "NTEECC Classification - fourth character"
NTEE "Four-digit NTEE XP code."
ruleID "ID of rule used for assigning rule-based NPC code"
NTEER "List of rule-derived NTEE-CC codes"
RandNum "Random number between 0 and 1 used for creating samples"
International "Flag international or ethnic programs (E=ethnic, T=region, N=nation, C=city)"
UpdateSrc "NCCS Data file containing the most recent return (BMF, Core, Form 990 Images, etc.)"
UpdateFisYr "Fiscal year of the most recent return in NCCS Data files (BMF, Core, Form 990 Images, etc.)"
NteeDraft "Draft NTEE-CC code"
LONGITUDE "Longitude"
LATITUDE "Latitude"
notes "User notes"

"18" "Organization organized and operated to test for public safety"
"17" "Supporting Organization 509(a)(3) for benefit and in conjunction with organization(s) coded 10-16"
"16" "Organization income is <=1/3 investment or unrelated business and >1/3 donated or related to purpose"
"15" "Organization with a substantial portion of support from a governmental unit or the general public"
"14" "Governmental unit"
"13" "Organization operated for the benefit of a public (government owned or run) college or university"
"12" "Hospital or medical research organization"
"11" "School"
"10" "Church"
"09" "Suspense"
"04" "Private non-operating foundation"
"03" "Private operating foundation (other)"
"02" "Private operating foundation exempt from paying excise taxes on investment income"
"00" "All organizations except 501(c)(3)"
"21" "Supporting Organization 509(a)(3) Type I"
"22" "Supporting Organization 509(a)(3) Type II"
"23" "Supporting Organization 509(a)(3) Type III functionally integrated"
"24" "Supporting Organization 509(a)(3) Type III not functionally integrated"
"A" "A - High"
"B" "B - Medium"
"C" "C - Low"
"BMF" "Classification by I.R.S. EP/EO Division (confidence=C)"
"RTF" "Classification of I.R.S. Return Transaction Files"
"NSO" "Nick Stengel's clean up of the opera file (confidence=A)"
"JCC" "Jill Capitani's clean up of the nteelu file"
"CORE02" "Core 2002 codes (04/02/04)"
"bahrz1" "NCCS - No information found in web search"
"FC" "Foundation Center reclassification"
"ZD" "David Stevenson's reclass. of unclassified"
"ZT" "Temp's review of unclassified, Feb. 97"
"T3" "Temps review and corrections to initial review of RTF95 file(T2)."
"T2" "Temps classification of the unclassified orgs in RTF95 file (confidence=B)"
"T" "Temps review in Fall 1996 (confidence=B)"
"IV" "Independent verifiers (1996) (confidence=A)"
"ZA" "Review of organizations classified as Z in preparation for the 1997 ARNOVA conference (confidence=B)"
"RT" "Review of samples of organizations in construction of NTEE rating system (confidence=A)"
"DS" "David Stevenson's rulings (confidence=A)"
"FLR" "1992 classification of organizations using parts 3 and 8, stored in Filer92 (confidence=B)"
"IS" "Bank of classifications that were completed at Independent Sector (confidence=B)"
"MD" "Classifcation of Maryland State Attorney General's file"
"N95" "Classifcation of RTF 1995 completed by Nick Stengel"
"NSS" "Classifcation of SOI completed by Nick Stengel (confidence=A)"
"KCS" "Classification done for Kansas City newspaper layout"
"SM" "Classification done by ShoShauna Mccoy"
"SOI" "Classification completed during reconciliation of SOI94"
"3YR" "Classification review completed during the data development of the three-year financial project"
"SMP" "Classification review from sampling (confidence=B)"
"DIT" "Digitized Data - Tom's Foxpro classification program (confidence=C)"
"ALM" "Almanac 2000 edits (confidence=A)"
"auto" "Automatically coded by NCCS (confidence=C)"
"" "Unknown source (confidence= ?)"
"bahr1" "NCCS thorough verification (Matt Bahr 2002) (confidence=A)"
"NCCS200211-B" "NCCS verified records (medium confidence)"
"NCCS200211-C" "NCCS autocoded records (low confidence)"
"ZZ" "NCCS expert verified records"
"DD200304-C" "Dig.data auto-coded 4/2003"
"DD200304-B" "Dig.data verified 4/2003"
"$src" "Dig.data auto-coded 3/2005"
"$src" "Auto-generated codes (confidence=C)"
"DD200511" "Digitized data auto-codes"
"Core2004co" "2006 NTEE rules"
"S" "S- Missing geographic information"
"I" "I- Coded out of scope by Independent Sector"
"G" "G- Government Entity"
"F" "F- Foreign organization"
"4" "4- Not a 501(c)(3)"
"" "No value"
"T" "T- U.S. Territory or armed forces overseas"
"N" "N- Coded out of scope by NCCS (e.g. foreign address on Form 990)"
"16" "16- Cooperative organizations to finance crop operations, in conjunction with activities ..."
"15" "15- Mutual insurance cos. ar associations, providing insurance to members substantially at cost..."
"14" "14- State-chartered credit unions, mutual reserve funds, offering loans to members..."
"13" "13- Cemetery companies, providing burial and incidental activities for members."
"12" "12- Benevolent life insurance associations, mutual ditch or irrigation companies, mutual or coop..."
"11" "11- Teachers retirement fund associations."
"10" "10- Domestic fraternal societies and assoc's-lodges devoting their net earnings to charitable..."
"09" "09- Voluntary employees' beneficiary ass'ns (including fed. employees' voluntary beneficiary..."
"08" "08- Fraternal beneficiary societies and associations, with lodges providing for payment of life..."
"07" "07- Social and recreational clubs which provide pleasure, recreation, and social activities."
"06" "06- Business leagues, chambers of commerce, real estate boards, etc. formed to improve conditions..."
"05" "05- Labor, agricultural, horticultural organizations. These are eduactional or instruct. grps..."
"03" "03- Religious, educational, charitable, scientific, and literary organizations..."
"02" "02- Title holding corporation for a tax-exempt organization."
"01" "01- Corporations originated under Act of Congress, including Federal Credit Unions"
"17" "17- Supplemental unemployment benefit trusts, providing payments of suppl. unemployment comp..."
"18" "18- Employee funded pension trusts, providing benefits under a pension plan funded by employees..."
"19" "19- Post or organization of war veterans."
"20" "20- Trusts for prepaid group legal services, as part of a qual. group legal service plan or plans."
"21" "21- Black lung trusts, satisfying claims for compensation under Black Lung Acts."
"04" "04- Civic leagues, social welfare organizations, and local associations of employees"
"22" "22- Multiemployer Pension Plan"
"23" "23- Veterans association formed prior to 1880"
"24" "24-Trust described in Section 4049 of ERISA"
"25" "25- Title Holding Company for Pensions, etc"
"90" "90- 4947(a)(2) Split Interest Trust"
"80" "80- Farmers' Cooperatives"
"91" "91- 4947(a)(1) Public Charity (Files 990/990-EZ)"
"92" "92- 4947(a)(1) Private Foundations"
"93" "93- 1381(a)(2) Taxable Farmers Cooperative"
"26" "26- State-Sponsored High Risk Health Insurance Organizations"
"27" "27- State-Sponsored Workers Compensation Reinsurance"
"40" "40- Apostolic and religious orgs. - 501(d)"
"50" "50- Cooperative Hospital Service Organization - 501(e)"
"60" "60- Cooperative Service Org. of Operating Educ. Org.- 501(f)"
"70" "70- Child Care Organization - 501(k)"
"71" "71- Charitable Risk Pool"
"81" "81- Qualified State-Sponsored Tuition Program"
"82" "82- 527 Political Organizations"
"CO" "CO- Unspecified 501(c) Organization Other Than 501(c)(3)"

SPSS input statement lines

/FILE="c: emp.csv"
EIN a9
Name a140
Address a100
State a2
City a22
zip5 a15
Fips a5
OutNccs a3
OutReas a1
Activ1 a3
NteeCmty a80
NteeCC a5
NteeCC4D a2
SubsecCd a2
RuleDate a6
NteeWord a5
NteeAct a5
NteeVer a5
NteeNew a5
NteeFinal a70
nteeCO a5
ConfidenceNew a1
NteeSubsec a5
NteeRule a5
Code1 a1
Code2 a2
ClassCd a4
NteeSrc a4
NteeConf a1
NteeConfW a1
NteeConfF a1
nteeConfCO a1
NteeConfR a1
ruleID a30
NteeR a100
NteeA a30
NteeB a30
NteeC a30
randNum f15.0
cTotRev f15.0
cAssets f15.0
cTaxPer a6
IRS990n f15.0
IRS990 f15.0
EditDateAuto f15.0
ConfidenceVer a1
CoreLatest a1
NteeSoi a3
EditDate a8
FndnCd a2
NteeBest a5
NteeBestConfidence a1
NteeDraft a70
UseNteeDraft f15.0
DraftOk a1
Notes a65535
ConfidenceDraft a1
Confidence a1
NteeIrs a4
NteeFinal1 a5
nteeconfF1 a1
UpdateSrc a20
UpdateFisYr a4
NteeDocSrc a20
NteeDocSrcYr a2
Ntee a4
NteeXP_Udao a4
BenCdNpc a9
International a15
old_International a15
NteeIntl a4
LastBMF a9
old_NteeNew a5
old_NteeDraft a5
old_NteeVer a5
old_NteeCC a5
old_nteeBest a5
old_NteeWord a5
old_NteeIrs a5
old_NteeSOI a5
old_NteeFinal a5
old_nteeCO a5
old_NteeSubsec a5
old_NteeIntl a5
old_NteeAct a5
old_ConfidenceNew a1
old_ConfidenceDraft a1
old_nteeConfF a1
old_nteeConfCO a1
old_ConfidenceVer a1
old_Confidence a1
old_NteeBestConfidence a1
old_nteeConfW a1
NewNotes a65535
CodePass f15.0
LatestBMF f15.0
PlaceType f15.0
censusTract a11
block a15
geoExclude f15.0
GeoCode f15.0
OrgNameFixed f15.0
approved a1
OrgType a2
HasPrograms f15.0
platformOverride f15.0
manuallyUpdated f15.0
extendedId f15.0
shrtName a100
shrtName2 a100
shrtAddr a100
updated_at f15.0
version2_id f15.0
imported_at f15.0