* Household Income by Zip 2002.

FIPS "2-digit State + 3-digit County FIPS code (Federal Information Processing Standard). See also U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts."
STATE "State. Two-letter state abbreviation. "
ZIP "Zip Code. Five-digit zip code."
STCODE "State Code. st= state-level figures; zip= zip-level figures."
AGILEV "Adjusted Gross Income Level. u10= under $10,000; 10to25= $10,000 under $25,000; 25to50= $25,000 under $50,000; o50= $50,000 or more; tot= total."
AGICd "Code for Adjusted Gross Income. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
AGI2 "Adjusted Gross Income, in thousands of dollars "
SchFNum2 "Number of returns with filed Schedule F used to report profit or loss from farming. "
TotTaxNumCd "Code for number of returns reporting total tax - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
TotTaxNum2 "Number of returns reporting total tax "
TotTaxCd "Code for amount of total tax - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
TotTax2 "Amount of total tax, in thousands"
TotReturnsCd "Code for Total Number of Returns - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
TotReturns2 "Total number of tax returns"
TaxIntNumCd "Code for Number of returns reporting Taxable Interest - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
TaxIntNum2 "Number of returns reporting taxable interest"
TaxIntCd "Code for Taxable Interest Amount - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
TaxInt2 "Amount of taxable interest, in thousands"
Comp2 "Amount of salaries and wages, in thousands"
CompCd "Code for Amount of Salaries & Wages - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
SchFNumCd "Code for Number of returns reporting Schedule F - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
CompNumCd "Code for Number of returns reporting Salaries & Wages - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
SchCNumCd "Code for Number of returns reporting Schedule C - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
SchCNum2 "Number of returns with filed Schedule C used to report profit or loss from business."
SchANumCd "Code for Number of returns reporting Sch. A. tot item. deductions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
SchANum2 "Number of returns with schedule A reporting total itemized deductions "
CompNum2 "Number of returns reporting salaries and wages"
ExempTotCd "Code for Totat Number of Exemptions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
ExempTot2 "Number of Total Exemptions"
ExempDepCd "Code for Number of Dependent Exemptions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
ExempDep2 "Number of Dependent Exemptions"
ContNumCd "Code for number of returns reporting contributions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
ContNum2 "Number of returns reporting charitable contributions"
ContCd "Code for Amount of Contributions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate."
Cont2 "Amount of charitable contributions, in thousands"


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