* Household Income by Zip 2008.

SchAItemD2 "Schedule A: Used to report itemized deductions. Amount of total itemized deductions, in thousands"
ZIP "Zip Code. Five-digit zip code."
TotTax2 "Amount of total tax, in thousands"
TotReturns2 "Total Number of Returns"
TaxPaidD2 "Amount of taxes paid deductions, in thousands"
TaxInt2 "Amount of taxable interest, in thousands"
TaxDiv2 "Amount of taxable dividends, in thousands"
STFIPS "State FIPS Code"
STCODE "State/ zip level? St= state-level figures; zip= zip-level figures."
STATENAME "State Name"
STATE "State. Two-letter state abbreviation. "
SchDCapGains2 "Total net amount of capital gains and losses reported on Schedule D, in thousands."
SchCProfit2 "Schedule C: Used to Report Profit or Loss from Business. Amount of Net Profit or Loss, in thousands"
AGI2 "Adjusted Gross Income, in thousands of dollars "
PrepareNum2 "Number of returns reporting paid preparer"
Pension2 "Amount of self-employed pension, in thousands"
MinTax2 "Amount of alternative minimum tax, in thousands"
IRADed2 "Amount of payment deductions for IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangements), in thousands"
FIPS "2-digit State + 3-digit County FIPS code (Federal Information Processing Standard). See also U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts."
ExempTot2 "Number of Total Exemptions"
ExempDep2 "Number of Dependent Exemptions"
EITC2 "Total amount of Earned Income Tax Credit, in thousands"
Cont2 "Amount of charitable contributions, in thousands"
Comp2 "Amount of salaries and wages, in thousands"
AGILEV "Adjusted Gross Income Level. u10= under $10,000; 10to25= $10,000 under $25,000; 25to50= $25,000 under $50,000; 50to75= $50,000 under $75,000; 75to100= $75,000 under $100,000; 100to200= $100,000 under $200,000; 200ormore= $200,000 or more; tot= total; "


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