Household Income by Zip 1998

FIPSState + County FIPS code2-digit State + 3-digit County FIPS code (Federal Information Processing Standard). See also U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts.
STATEStateState. Two-letter state abbreviation.
ZIPZip CodeZip Code. Five-digit zip code.Beginning, sec.C3
STCODEState CodeState Code. st= state-level figures; zip= zip-level figures.
AGILEVAdj Gross Inc LevelAdjusted Gross Income Level. u10= under $10,000; 10to25= $10,000 under $25,000; 25to50= $25,000 under $50,000; o50= $50,000 or more; tot= total.
AGICdCode for Adj Gross IncCode for Adjusted Gross Income. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
AGI2Adj Gross IncAdjusted Gross Income, in thousands of dollars.
SchFNumCdCode for Num. of returns w. sch. FCode for Number of returns reporting Schedule F - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
SchFNum2Num. of returns w. sch. FNumber of returns with filed Schedule F used to report profit or loss from farming.
SchFNumS2Num. of returns w. sch. FNumber of returns with filed Schedule F used to report profit or loss from farming.
SchFNumSCdCode for Num. of returns w. sch. FCode for Number of returns reporting Schedule F - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
CompCdCode for Amt. of sal. & wagesCode for Amount of Salaries & Wages - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
Comp2Amt. of sal. & wagesAmount of salaries and wages, in thousands
TaxInt2Amt. of taxable interestAmount of taxable interest, in thousands
TaxIntCdCode for Amt. of taxable interestCode for Taxable Interest Amount - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
TaxIntNum2Num. returns w. taxable interestNumber of returns reporting taxable interest
TaxIntNumCdCode for Num. returns w. taxable interestCode for Number of returns reporting Taxable Interest - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
TotReturns2Tot. num. of returnsTotal number of tax returns
TotReturnsCdCode for Tot. num. of returnsCode for Total Number of Returns - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
TotTax2Amt. of tot. taxAmount of total tax, in thousands
TotTaxCdCode for Amt. of tot. taxCode for amount of total tax - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
TotTaxNum2Num. of returns w. tot. taxNumber of returns reporting total tax
TotTaxNumCdCode for Num. of returns w. tot. taxCode for number of returns reporting total tax - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
IncCrNumCdCode for Num. of returns w. earned inc. creditCode for Number of returns reporting earned income credit - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
ExempDep2Num. Dependent ExemptionsNumber of Dependent Exemptions
ExempDepCdCode for Num. Dependent ExemptionsCode for Number of Dependent Exemptions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
ExempTot2Num. of tot. exemptionsNumber of Total Exemptions
ExempTotCdCode for Num. of tot. exemptionsCode for Totat Number of Exemptions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
CompNum2Num. of returns w. sal & wagesNumber of returns reporting salaries and wages
IncCr2Amt. of earned inc. creditAmount of earned income credit, in thousands.
IncCrCdCode for Amt. of earned inc. creditCode for Amount of earned income credit A - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
IncCrNum2Num. of returns w. earned inc. creditNumber of returns reporting earned income credit
CompNumCdCode for Num. of returns w. sal & wagesCode for Number of returns reporting Salaries & Wages - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
SchAItemD2Amt. of item. deductions on Sch. AAmount of Itemized Deductions reported on Schedule A, in thousands.
SchAItemDCdCode for Amt. of item. deductions on Sch. ACode for Amount of itemized deductions reported on schedule A - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
SchANum2Num. of returns w. tot. item. deductions on Sch. ANumber of returns with schedule A reporting total itemized deductions
SchANumCdCode for Num. of returns w. tot. item. deductionsCode for Number of returns reporting Sch. A. tot item. deductions - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
SchCNum2Num. of returns w. sch. CNumber of returns with filed Schedule C used to report profit or loss from business.
SchCNumCdCode for Num. of returns w. sch. CCode for Number of returns reporting Schedule C - NCCS code identifies nature of change made to the record. E= extra value (Upper cell and/or lower cell value(s) have been added into this cell.); D=dropped value (Value removed from this cell is added into upper or lower cell.); blank= the value is accurate.
SchCNumS2Num. of returns w. sch. CNumber of returns with filed Schedule C used to report profit or loss from business.