Household Income by Zip 2007

TaxDiv2Amt. of taxable dividendsAmount of taxable dividends, in thousands
SchAItemD2Amt. of itemized deductions on Sch. ASchedule A: Used to report itemized deductions. Amount of total itemized deductions, in thousands
SchANum2Num. of returns w. item. deductionsNumber of total returns with itemized deductions
SchCProfit2Amt of net profit on sch. CSchedule C: Used to Report Profit or Loss from Business. Amount of Net Profit or Loss, in thousands
SchCProfitNum2Num. of returns w. net profit on sch. CSchedule C: Used to Report Profit or Loss from Business. Number of returns reporting Net Profit or Loss
STATEStateState. Two-letter state abbreviation.
STATENAMEState NameState Name
STCODEState CodeState/ zip level? St= state-level figures; zip= zip-level figures.
STFIPSState FIPS CodeState FIPS Code
PrepareNum2Num. of returns w. paid preparerNumber of returns reporting paid preparer
TaxInt2Amt. of taxable interestAmount of taxable interest, in thousands
TaxIntNum2Num. returns w. taxable interestNumber of returns reporting taxable interest
TaxPaidD2Amt. of taxes paid deductionsAmount of taxes paid deductions, in thousands
TotReturns2Tot. num. of returnsTotal Number of Returns
TotTax2Amt. of tot. taxAmount of total tax, in thousands
TotTaxNum2Num. of returns w. tot. taxNumber of returns reporting total tax
ZIPZip CodeZip Code. Five-digit zip code.Beginning, sec.C3
ExempTot2Num. of tot. exemptionsNumber of Total ExemptionsBeginning, sec.C3
AGILEVAdj Gross Inc LevelAdjusted Gross Income Level. u10= under $10,000; 10to25= $10,000 under $25,000; 25to50= $25,000 under $50,000; 50to75= $50,000 under $75,000; 75to100= $75,000 under $100,000; 100to200= $100,000 under $200,000; 200ormore= $200,000 or more; tot= total;
Comp2Amt. of sal. & wagesAmount of salaries and wages, in thousands
CompNum2Num. of returns w. sal & wagesNumber of returns reporting salaries and wages
Cont2Amt. of contributionsAmount of charitable contributions, in thousands
ContNum2Num. of returns w. contributionsNumber of returns reporting charitable contributions
EITC2Amt. of Earned Income Tax CreditTotal amount of Earned Income Tax Credit, in thousands
EITCNum2Num. of returns w. Earned Income Tax Credit.Number of total returns with Earned Income Tax Credit
ExempDep2Num. Dependent ExemptionsNumber of Dependent Exemptions
AGI2Adj Gross IncAdjusted Gross Income, in thousands of dollars
FIPSState + County FIPS code2-digit State + 3-digit County FIPS code (Federal Information Processing Standard). See also U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts.
IncTax2Amt of inc. tax before creditAmount of income tax before credits, in thousands
IncTaxNum2Num. of returns w. inc. tax before creditNumber of returns reporting income tax before credits
IRADed2Amt. of IRA payment deductionAmount of payment deductions for IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangements), in thousands
IRADedNum2Num. of returns w. IRA payment deductionNumber of returns reporting payment deduction for IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangements)
MinTax2Amt. of alternative min. taxAmount of alternative minimum tax, in thousands
MinTaxNum2Num. of returns w. alternative min. taxNumber of returns reporting alternative minimum tax