Household Income by Zip 2013

STCODESummary Level CodeIdentifies records as STATE vs. ZIP summary level: st = state-level figures; zip = zip-level figures
STFIPSState FIPS Code2-digit FIPS state code
STATESTATE2-character state abbreviation
STATENAMEState nameState name
ZIPZIP5-character ZIP code
(99999 = consolidated small and miscelanious zip areas; 00000 = state-level summary records)
Beginning, sec.C3
FIPSState + County FIPS code2-digit State + 3-digit County FIPS code (Federal Information Processing Standard). See also U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts.
AGIGROUPAGI GroupAdjusted Gross Income Group, 0-6:
(AGI Summary Groups 1-6 assigned by IRS; AGI Summary Group 0 = total of AGI groups 1-6 per NCCS)
AGISIZEAGI Group Size DescriptionAdjusted Gross Income Size Description (based on AGIGROUP values)
AGILEVAGI Group LevelAdjusted Gross Income Level (based on AGIGROUP values):
u25= under $25,000; 25to50= $25,000 under $50,000; 50to75= $50,000 under $75,000; 75to100= $75,000 under $100,000; 100to200= $100,000 under $200,000; 200ormore= $200,000 or more; tot= total;
TotReturns2Number of returnsNumber of Form 1040 return filings
TotReturns2SnglNumber of single returnsNumber of Form 1040 returns: Filing status is single
TotReturns2JointNumber of joint returnsNumber of Form 1040 returns: Filing status is married filing jointly
TotReturns2HeadHhNumber of head of household returnsNumber of Form 1040 returns: Filing status is head of household
PrepareNum2Paid preparer signatureNumber of returns with paid preparer signature
ExempDep2Number of dependentsNumber of dependent exemptions claimed (1040:06c)
ExempTot2Number of exemptionsNumber of exemptions claimed (1040:06d)
CompNum2Number of returns with salaries and wagesNumber of returns with salaries and wages (1040:7 / 1040A:7 / 1040EZ:1)
Comp2Salaries and wages amountSalaries and wages amount, stated in thousands (1040:7 / 1040A:7 / 1040EZ:1)
TaxIntNum2Number of returns with taxable interestNumber of returns with taxable interest (1040:8a / 1040A:8a / 1040EZ:2)
TaxInt2Taxable interest amountTaxable interest amount, stated in thousands (1040:8a / 1040A:8a / 1040EZ:2)
TaxODivNum2Number of returns with ordinary dividendsNumber of returns with ordinary dividends (1040:9a / 1040A:9a)
TaxODiv2Ordinary dividends amountOrdinary dividends amount, stated in thousands (1040:9a / 1040A:9a)
TaxQDivNum2Number of returns with qualified dividendsNumber of returns with qualified dividends (1040:9b / 1040A:9b)
TaxQDiv2Qualified dividends amount [3]Qualified dividends amount, stated in thousands (1040:9b / 1040A:9b)
[3] "Qualified dividends" are ordinary dividends received in tax years beginning after 2002 that meet certain conditions and receive preferential tax rates. The maximum qualified dividends tax rate is 15%.
N00700Number of returns with state and local income tax refundsNumber of returns with state and local income tax refunds (1040:10)
A00700State and local income tax refunds amountState and local income tax refunds amount, stated in thousands (1040:10)
SchCProfitNum2Number of returns with business/prof net income (less loss)Number of returns with business or professional net income (less loss) (1040:12)
SchCProfit2Business or professional net income (less loss) amountBusiness or professional net income (less loss) amount, stated in thousands (1040:12)
SchDCapGainsNum2Number of returns with net capital gain (less loss)Number of returns with net capital gain (less loss) (1040:13 1040A:10)
SchDCapGains2Net capital gain (less loss) amountNet capital gain (less loss) amount, stated in thousands (1040:13 1040A:10)
TaxIraNum2Number of returns with taxable IRA distributionsNumber of returns with taxable individual retirement arrangements distributions (1040:15b / 1040:11b)
TaxIra2Taxable IRA distributions amountTaxable individual retirement arrangements distributions amount, stated in thousands (1040:15b / 1040:11b)
TaxPenNum2Number of returns with taxable pensions and annuitiesNumber of returns with taxable pensions and annuities (1040:16b / 1040A:12b)
TaxPen2Taxable pensions and annuities amountTaxable pensions and annuities amount, stated in thousands (1040:16b / 1040A:12b)
SchFProfitNum2Number of farm returnsNumber of farm returns (1040:18)
UnemplNum2Number of returns with unemployment compensationNumber of returns with unemployment compensation (1040:19 / 1040A:13 / 1040EZ:3)
Unempl2Unemployment compensation amount [4]Unemployment compensation amount, stated in thousands (1040:19 / 1040A:13 / 1040EZ:3)
[4] Includes the Alaskan permanent fund, reported by residents of Alaska on Forms 1040A and 1040EZ. This fund only applies to statistics in the totals, and the state of Alaska.
TaxSocSecNum2Number of returns with taxable Social Security benefitsNumber of returns with taxable Social Security benefits (1040:20b / 1040A:14b)
TaxSocSec2Taxable Social Security benefits amountTaxable Social Security benefits amount, stated in thousands (1040:20b / 1040A:14b)
N26270Number of returns w partnership/S-corp net inc (less loss)Number of returns with partnership/S-corp net income (less loss) (Schedule E:32)
A26270Partnership/S-corp net income (less loss) amountPartnership/S-corp net income (less loss) amount, stated in thousands (Schedule E:32)
N02650Number of returns with total incomeNumber of returns with total income (1040:22 / 1040A:15 / 1040EZ:4)
A02650Total income amountTotal income amount, stated in thousands (1040:22 / 1040A:15 / 1040EZ:4)
N03220Number of returns with educator expensesNumber of returns with educator expenses (1040:23 / 1040A:16)
A03220Educator expenses amountEducator expenses amount, stated in thousands (1040:23 / 1040A:16)
SepSimpNum2Number of returns with self-employment retirement plansNumber of returns with self-employment retirement plans (1040:28)
SepSimp2Self-employment retirement plans amountSelf-employment retirement plans amount, stated in thousands (1040:28)
N03270Number of returns with self-employment health insurance dedNumber of returns with self-employment health insurance deduction (1040:29)
A03270Self-employment health insurance deduction amountSelf-employment health insurance deduction amount, stated in thousands (1040:29)
N03150Number of returns with IRA paymentsNumber of returns with IRA payments (1040:32 / 1040A:17)
A03150IRA payments amountIRA payments amount, stated in thousands (1040:32 / 1040A:17)
N03210Number of returns with student loan interest deductionNumber of returns with student loan interest deduction (1040:33 / 1040A:18)
A03210Student loan interest deduction amountStudent loan interest deduction amount, stated in thousands (1040:33 / 1040A:18)
N03230Number of returns with tuition and fees deductionNumber of returns with tuition and fees deduction (1040:34 / 1040A:19)
A03230Tuition and fees deduction amountTuition and fees deduction amount, stated in thousands (1040:34 / 1040A:19)
N03240Returns with domestic production activities deductionNumber of returns with domestic production activities deduction (1040:35)
A03240Domestic production activities deduction amountDomestic production activities deduction amount, stated in thousands (1040:35)
N02900Number of returns with total statutory adjustmentsNumber of returns with total statutory adjustments (1040:36 / 1040A:20)
A02900Total statutory adjustments amountTotal statutory adjustments amount, stated in thousands (1040:36 / 1040A:20)
AGI2Adjust gross income (AGI) [2]Adjust gross income (AGI), stated in thousands (1040:37 / 1040A:21 / 1040EZ:4)
[2] Does not include returns with adjusted gross deficit.
SchANum2Number of returns with itemized deductionsNumber of returns with itemized deductions (1040:40)
SchAItemD2Total itemized deductions amountTotal itemized deductions amount, stated in thousands (1040:40)
SchAagi2Amount of AGI for itemized returnsAmount of AGI for itemized returns, stated in thousands (1040:37)
SchASLITaxNum2Number of returns with State and local income taxesNumber of returns with State and local income taxes (Schedule A:5a)
SchASLITax2State and local income taxes amountState and local income taxes amount, stated in thousands (Schedule A:5a)
SchASLSTaxNum2Number of returns with State and local general sales taxNumber of returns with State and local general sales tax (Schedule A:5b)
SchASLSTax2State and local general sales tax amountState and local general sales tax amount, stated in thousands (Schedule A:5b)
SchARETaxNum2Number of returns with real estate taxesNumber of returns with real estate taxes (Schedule A:6)
SchARETax2Real estate taxes amountReal estate taxes amount, stated in thousands (Schedule A:6)
SchATaxPaidNum2Number of returns with taxes paidNumber of returns with taxes paid (Schedule A:9)
SchATaxPaid2Taxes paid amountTaxes paid amount, stated in thousands (Schedule A:9)
SchAMortIntNum2Number of returns with mortgage interest paidNumber of returns with mortgage interest paid (Schedule A:10)
SchAMortInt2Mortgage interest paid amountMortgage interest paid amount, stated in thousands (Schedule A:10)
ContNum2Number of returns with contributionsNumber of returns with contributions (Schedule A:19)
Cont2Contributions amountContributions amount, stated in thousands (Schedule A:19)
TaxableIncNum2Number of returns with taxable incomeNumber of returns with taxable income (1040:43 / 1040A:27 / 1040EZ:6)
TaxableInc2Taxable income amountTaxable income amount, stated in thousands (1040:43 / 1040A:27 / 1040EZ:6)
MinTaxNum2Number of returns with alternative minimum taxNumber of returns with alternative minimum tax (1040:45)
MinTax2Alternative minimum tax amountAlternative minimum tax amount, stated in thousands (1040:45)
N05800Number of returns with income tax before creditsNumber of returns with income tax before credits (1040:46 / 1040A:28 / 1040EZ:10)
A05800Income tax before credits amountIncome tax before credits amount, stated in thousands (1040:46 / 1040A:28 / 1040EZ:10)
N07300Number of returns with foreign tax creditNumber of returns with foreign tax credit (1040:47)
A07300Foreign tax credit amountForeign tax credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:47)
ChDpCareTaxCrNum2Number of returns with child and dependent care creditNumber of returns with child and dependent care credit (1040:48 / 1040A:29)
ChDpCareTaxCr2Child and dependent care credit amountChild and dependent care credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:48 / 1040A:29)
N07230Number of returns with nonrefundable education creditNumber of returns with nonrefundable education credit (1040:49 / 1040A:31)
A07230Nonrefundable education credit amountNonrefundable education credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:49 / 1040A:31)
N07240Number of returns w retirement savings contribution creditNumber of returns with retirement savings contribution credit (1040:50 / 1040A:32)
A07240Retirement savings contribution credit amountRetirement savings contribution credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:50 / 1040A:32)
ChildTaxCrNum2Number of returns with child tax creditNumber of returns with child tax credit (1040:51 / 1040A:33)
ChildTaxCr2Child tax credit amountChild tax credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:51 / 1040A:33)
REnergyTaxCrNum2Number of returns with residential energy tax creditNumber of returns with residential energy tax credit (1040:52)
REnergyTaxCr2Residential energy tax credit amountResidential energy tax credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:52)
TotTaxCrNum2Number of returns with total tax creditsNumber of returns with total tax credits (1040:54 / 1040A:34)
TotTaxCr2Total tax credits amountTotal tax credits amount, stated in thousands (1040:54 / 1040A:34)
IncTaxACNum2Number of returns with income taxNumber of returns with income tax (1040:55 / 1040A:35 / 1040EZ:10)
IncTaxAC2Income tax amount [7]Income tax amount, stated in thousands (1040:55 / 1040A:35 / 1040EZ:10)
[7] Income tax reflects the amount reported on Form 1040 line 55. It also includes data from Form 1040A and 1040EZ filers.
N09400Number of returns with self-employment taxNumber of returns with self-employment tax (1040:56)
A09400Self-employment tax amountSelf-employment tax amount, stated in thousands (1040:56)
N85330Number of returns with Additional Medicare taxNumber of returns with Additional Medicare tax (1040:60a)
A85330Additional Medicare taxAdditional Medicare tax amount, stated in thousands (1040:60a)
N85300Number of returns with net investment income taxNumber of returns with net investment income tax (1040:60b)
A85300Net investment income taxNet investment income tax amount, stated in thousands (1040:60b)
TotTaxNum2Number of returns with tax liabilityNumber of returns with tax liability (1040:61 / 1040A:35 / 1040EZ: 10)
TotTax2Total tax liability amount [8]Total tax liability amount, stated in thousands (1040:61 / 1040A:35 / 1040EZ: 10)
[8] "Total tax liability" differs from "Income tax", in that "Total tax liability" includes the taxes from recapture of certain prior-year credits, tax applicable to individual retirement arrangements (IRA's), social security taxes on self-employment income and on certain tip income, advanced earned income payments, household employment taxes, and certain other taxes listed in the Form 1040 instructions.
EITCNum2Number of returns with earned income creditNumber of returns with earned income credit (1040:64a / 1040A:38a / 1040EZ:8b)
EITC2Earned income credit amount [5]Earned income credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:64a / 1040A:38a / 1040EZ:8b)
[5] Earned income credit includes both the refundable and non-refundable portions. The non-refundable portion could reduce income tax and certain related taxes to zero. The earned income credit amounts in excess of total tax liability, or amounts when there was no tax liability at all, were refundable. See footnote 6 below for explanation of the refundable portion of the earned income credit.
ExEITCNum2Number of returns with excess earned income creditNumber of returns with excess earned income credit (1040:64a / 1040A:38a / 1040EZ:8b)
ExEITC2Excess earned income credit (refundable) amount [6]Excess earned income credit (refundable) amount, stated in thousands (1040:64a / 1040A:38a / 1040EZ:8b)
[6] The refundable portion of the earned income credit equals total income tax minus the earned income credit. If the result is negative, this amount is considered the refundable portion. No other refundable credits were taken into account for this calculation.
AddChildTaxCrNum2Number of returns with additional child tax creditNumber of returns with additional child tax credit (1040:65 / 1040A:39)
AddChildTaxCr2Additional child tax credit amountAdditional child tax credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:65 / 1040A:39)
N10960Number of returns with refundable education creditNumber of returns with refundable education credit (1040:66 / 1040A:40)
A10960Refundable education credit amountRefundable education credit amount, stated in thousands (1040:66 / 1040A:40)
N10600Number of returns with total tax paymentsNumber of returns with total tax payments (1040:72 / 1040A:41 / 1040EZ:9)
A10600Total tax payments amountTotal tax payments amount, stated in thousands (1040:72 / 1040A:41 / 1040EZ:9)
TaxRefundAmtNum2Number of returns with overpayments refundedNumber of returns with overpayments refunded (1040:73 / 1040A:42 / 1040EZ:11a)
TaxRefundAmt2Overpayments refunded amount [10]Overpayments refunded amount, stated in thousands (1040:73 / 1040A:42 / 1040EZ:11a)
[10] The amount of overpayments the tax filer requested to have refunded.
TaxAmtDueNum2Number of returns with tax due at time of filingNumber of returns with tax due at time of filing (1040:76 / 1040A:45 / 1040EZ:12)
TaxAmtDue2Tax due at time of filing amount [9]Tax due at time of filing amount, stated in thousands (1040:76 / 1040A:45 / 1040EZ:12)
[9] Reflects payments to or withholdings made to "Total tax liability". This is the amount the tax filer owes when the income tax return is filed.