NTEE Codes (2004 draft update)

CODEMajor CodeMajor Code
TERM_NAMETerm nameTerm name
SEE_ALSOSee alsoSee also
SCOPE_NOTEScope notesScope Notes
MAJGRPNTEE Major Group NameMajor group
notesUser notesUser notes
MAJGRPNUMNTEE Major Group NumberMajor group number
NAICSNorth American Industrial ClasNorth American Industrial Classification System
NAICS3NAICS - 1st 3 digitsNAICS - 1st 3 digits
changeDateChange dateDate record changed or created
RandNumRandom number between 0 and 1Random number between 0 and 1 used for creating samples
IrsSubsectionIRS SubsectionIRS Subsection: Under what subsection are orgs likely to be exempt?