SOI 1996 990PF Comp

EINEmployer ID No. (EIN)Employer ID No. (EIN)
STATEStateTwo-letter state abbreviation
NTEE1NTEE major groupNTEE major group (A-Z)
NTEECCNTEECC primary purposeNTEECC classification
zip5Zip code, 5 digitsFirst 5 digits of zip code
FIPSState + County FIPS code2-digit State + 3-digit County FIPS code (Federal Information Processing Standard). See also U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts.
MSA_NECHMetropolitan Statistical AreaMetropolitan Statistical Area (NCCS file) (list)
PMSAPrimary MSAPrimary Metropolitan Statistical Area - the component areas that comprise a CMSA (76 PMSAs as of 1995). (list)
OutNCCSOut of Scope flagOut-of-scope (IN/OUT) (see OUTREAS doc. for details)
OutReasReason why out of scopeReason why out of scope
NtMaj5Major subsectorMajor subsector (5)
NtMaj10NTEE major group (10)10 NTEE major groups
NtMaj12NTEE major group (12)12 NTEE major groups: ntmaj10 plus higher education (BH) and hospitals (EH)
MajGrpBMajor NTEE groupMajor NTEE group plus hospitals and higher education
VROWRow Identification NumberRow Identification Number
V001Average Hours Per WeekAverage Hours Per Week
V004CompensationCompensation Empl Ben. Plns/ Empl Benefit Plns/Def.Comp
V003Exp. Account/Other AllowancesExpense Account/Other Allowances
Level3Major NTEE categoryMajor NTEE category
Level4NTEE-CC Major GroupNTEE-CC Major Group
RandNumRandom number between 0 and 1Random number between 0 and 1 used for creating samples