SOI 2009 990 Supported Orgs

EINEmployer Identification NumberEmployer identification number (Page 1, Line D)
FisYrFiscal yearFiscal year (ending year)
NAMEName of organizationOrganization name (Page 1, Line C)
STATEStateTwo-letter state abbreviation (Page 1, Line C(3))
zip5Zip code, 5 digitsFirst 5 digits of zip code (Page 1, Line C(4))
outnccsOut of Scope flagOut-of-scope (IN/OUT) (see OUTREAS doc. for details)Beginning
OUTREASReason why out of scopeReason why out of scope
SUBSECCDSubsection codeIRS subsection code (03=501(c)(3), etc.)
NTEE1NTEE major groupNTEE major group (A-Z)
NTEECCNTEECC primary purposeNTEECC classificationBeginning
ntmaj5Major subsectorMajor subsector (5)
ntmaj10NTEE major group (10)10 NTEE major groups
ntmaj12NTEE major group (12)12 NTEE major groups: ntmaj10 plus higher education (BH) and hospitals (EH)
MAJGRPBMajor NTEE groupMajor NTEE group plus hospitals and higher education
suprtd_einEIN of supported organizationEIN of supported organization (990 - Sch A, Part I, Line 11h(ii))
suprtd_typ_orgType of supported organizationType of supported organization (as described on lines 1-9 above). Non-501(c)(3) organizations have values beginning with 'C' (990 - Sch A, Part I, Line 11h(iii)).
suprtd_list_in_gvrn_docIs the supported organization listed in governing documents?Is the organization in col. (i) listed in governing documents? (990 - Sch A, Part I, Line 11h(iv))
suprtd_org_notifDid you notify the organization of your support?Did you notify the organization in col. (i) of your support? (990 - Sch A, Part I, Line 11h(v))
suprtd_org_in_usOrganized in the United States?Is the organization in col. (i) organized in the United States? (990 - Sch A, Part I, Line 11h(vi))
suprtd_amtAmount of supportAmount of support (990 - Sch A, Part I, Line 11h(vii))
LEVEL1Public charity or priv. fndn?Public charity or private foundation?Beginning
LEVEL2Reporting public charity groupReporting public charity groups.Beginning
level3Major NTEE categoryMajor NTEE categoryBeginning
level4NTEE-CC Major GroupNTEE-CC Major GroupBeginning
SCPLS.C./Cycle/Page/L.C.Service Center Cycle Page Line (unique identifier assigned by the IRS - used to match primary SOI record with related sub-table records)
suporg_cntNumber of rows on supported org tableNumber of Supported Organizations Reported (total number of supported organizations listed in 990, Sch A - Part I, Line 11h)
randnumRandom number between 0 and 1Random number between 0 and 1 used for creating samples