SOI 2012 990PF Comp All Years

TaxYrTax Year (Match records to main table using TaxYr and SCPL)SOI Sample Tax Year (Compensation records are matched to main table using TaxYr and SCPL) (Top of form - Form Tax Year)
Available Years: 1993 - current
EINEmployer Identification NumberEmployer Identification Number (Top of form - Box A)
Available Years: All
NAMEName of OrganizationName of Organization (Top of form - Name of foundation)
Available Years: All
STATEStateState (Top of form - State)
Available Years: All
NTEE1NTEE major groupNTEE major group (A-Z)
NTEECCNTEECC primary purposeNTEECC classification
zip5Zip codeZip code (Top of form - Zip Code)
Available Years: All (missing values found 1985-1998)
FIPSState + County FIPS code2-digit State + 3-digit County FIPS code (Federal Information Processing Standard). See also U.S. Census Bureau State & County QuickFacts.
MSA_NECHMetropolitan Statistical AreaMetropolitan Statistical Area (NCCS file) (list)
outnccsOut of Scope flagOut-of-scope (IN/OUT) (see OUTREAS doc. for details)
OUTREASReason why out of scopeReason why out of scope
ntmaj5Major subsectorMajor subsector (5)
ntmaj10NTEE major group (10)10 NTEE major groups
ntmaj12NTEE major group (12)12 NTEE major groups: ntmaj10 plus higher education (BH) and hospitals (EH)
NTEEconfNTEE confidence ratingNTEE classification confidence rating (A/B/C)
MAJGRPBMajor NTEE groupMajor NTEE group plus hospitals and higher education
CROWRow Identification NumberRow Identification Number (Part VIII, Section 1 - Row number assigned by IRS)
Available Years: 1993 - current
COMP_CNTTotal Comp Officers,Dir,ect.Total record count of Compensated Officers, Directors, etc. (total from matching SOI 990-PF table)
C010Average Hours Per WeekAverage Hours Per Week (Part VIII, Section 1 - Column b)
Available Years: 1993 - current
C020CompensationCompensation (Part VIII, Section 1 - Column c)
Available Years: 1993 - current
C030Contributions to Empl Benefit Plans/Deferred CompensationContributions to Empl Benefit Plans/Deferred Compensation (Part VIII, Section 1 - Column d)
Available Years: 1993 - current
C040Expense Account/Other AllowancesExpense Account/Other Allowances (Part VIII, Section 1 - Column e)
Available Years: 1993 - current
NAICSNorth American Industrial ClasNorth American Industrial Classification System
level3Major NTEE categoryMajor NTEE category
level4NTEE-CC Major GroupNTEE-CC Major Group
SCPLSCPL (Match records to main table using TaxYr and SCPL)Service Center/Cycle/Page/Line Count (Compensation records are matched to main table using TaxYr and SCPL) (Assigned by IRS)
Available Years: 1993 - current
randnumRandom number between 0 and 1Random number between 0 and 1 used for creating samples