'Name;70', 'Street' => 'Street;70', 'Zipcode' => 'Zipcode;10', 'Phone' => 'Phone;20', 'Program1' => 'Program 1;TEXT', 'Activity1' => 'Activity code;SELECT;Arts,Education,Environment,Health,Human services', 'PopServed1' => 'Population Served;SELECT;Infants,Preschool children,School-age children,Adults,Elderly,Disabled;', 'RegServed1' => 'Region served;TEXT;', 'AreaType1' => 'Area Type;SELECT;Zipcode,County,State;', 'Area1' => 'Area;50', 'Program2' => 'Program 2;TEXT', 'Activity2' => 'Activity code;SELECT;Arts,Education,Environment,Health,Human services', 'PopServed2' => 'Population Served;SELECT;Infants,Preschool children,School-age children,Adults,Elderly,Disabled;', 'RegServed2' => 'Region served;TEXT;', 'AreaType2' => 'Area Type;SELECT;Zipcode,County,State;', 'Area2' => 'Area;50', 'Program3' => 'Program 3;TEXT', 'Activity3' => 'Activity code;SELECT;Arts,Education,Environment,Health,Human services', 'PopServed3' => 'Population Served;SELECT;Infants,Preschool children,School-age children,Adults,Elderly,Disabled;', 'RegServed3' => 'Region served;TEXT;', 'AreaType3' => 'Area Type;SELECT;Zipcode,County,State;', 'Area3' => 'Area;50',); /***********************************************************/ $view = $_GET['v']; $id = $_GET['id']; $ntee = $_GET['ntee']; $ntee1 = $_GET['ntee1']; $ft = $_GET['ft']; $code2 = $_GET['code']; /***********************************************************/ // echo "code: $code
ntee: $ntee
"; include('../new/head.php'); include('datacon.php'); require('proclib.php'); $date = date('m/d/y H:i'); $title = "NCCS - Add Organization"; echo "$title\n"; echo "


\n"; echo ""; while ($fldParams = current($flds)) { $x = explode(';',$fldParams); $fld = $x[0]; $htmlType = trim($x[1]); $size = $x[2]; $label = key($flds); if ( $htmlType =='TEXT'){ $size = 80; echo "\n"; } elseif ($htmlType == 'SELECT'){ $y = explode(',', $size); echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } next($flds); } echo "
". $label."
". $label."
". $label."
"; return; /***********************************************************/ function showRec(){ global $row, $ein, $linecounter, $bcolor, $white, $ft, $flds, $code2, $debug, $ntee, $ntee1, $coreYear, $coreFile, $coreFilePf, $coreYearPf, $bmfFile, $code2, $view; $linecounter = 0; $geoscaleid = $row['geoscaleid']; $key = $row['NccsLabel']; $stateCity = $row['stusab'].$row['NccsLabel']; $totPop = $row['TotPop']; while ($label = current($flds)) { if (key($flds) == 'NccsLabel'){ // showHdg('Basics',''); showHdg('Basics',''); } elseif ( key($flds) == 'PopUnder5Years'){ showHdg('Population Segments',''); } elseif ( key($flds) == 'PopPoorPersons'){ showHdg('Poverty, Education & Disability',''); } if (key($flds) == 'NccsLabel'){ // show fips or msa code: $showCode = ''; if ($code2 > 0 ){ $showCode = " ($code2)"; } showVal( $row['NccsLabel'].$showCode, substr($label,1), substr($label,0,1)); } else { showVal( $row[key($flds)], substr($label,1), substr($label,0,1)); } next($flds); } // geoscaleid- 4:state, 6:US, 3:COUNTY, 5 or 11: MSA if ($geoscaleid == 6 ){ $q = '1'; } elseif ($geoscaleid == 4 ){ $q = "state = substring('$key',1,2)"; } elseif ($geoscaleid == 3 ){ $q = "fips = '$code2'"; } elseif ($geoscaleid == 11 ){ $q = "msa_nech = '$code2' OR pmsa = '$code2'"; } elseif ($geoscaleid == 5 or $geoscaleid == 11 ){ $q = "msa_nech = '$code2' OR pmsa = '$code2'"; } elseif ($geoscaleid == 7 ){ $q = "zip5 = '$code2'"; } elseif ($geoscaleid == 2 ){ // places $q = "concat(STATE,CITY) = '$stateCity'"; } else {$q = '2'; } $geoQry = $q; $ntee2 = ''; if (strlen(trim($ntee))>0){ $ntees = explode(',', $ntee); $q2 = '('; for ( $k=0; $k < count($ntees); $k++){ if ($k>0){ $q2 =$q2. ' OR '; } $q2 = $q2." nteecc LIKE '". trim($ntees[$k])."%'"; } $q2 = $q2. ')'; $q = $q. " AND $q2"; $ntee2 = " - NTEE=$ntee"; } if (strlen(trim($ntee1))>0){ $q = $q. " AND (LOCATE( SUBSTRING(nteecc,1,1), '$ntee1')>0) "; $ntee2 = $ntee2.' - '; if (substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'A') { $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' Arts'; } elseif ( substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'B'){ $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' Education'; } elseif ( substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'C'){ $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' Environment'; } elseif ( substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'E'){ $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' Health'; } elseif ( substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'I'){ $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' Human services'; } elseif ( substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'Q'){ $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' International'; } elseif ( substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'R'){ $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' Civil rights & social action'; } elseif ( substr($ntee1,0,1) == 'S'){ $ntee2 = $ntee2. ' Other'; } } $query = "SELECT count(*) as Num_Orgs, SUM(exps) as Total_Expenses, sum(ass_eoy) as Total_assets, sum(cont) as cont, sum(totrev) as totrev FROM $coreFile WHERE $q"; if ($debug ==1 ){ echo $query.'
'; } $results2 = runSql($query); $num_results2 = mysql_num_rows($results2); for ( $k=0; $k < $num_results2; $k++) { $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($results2); showHdg("Nonprofit Activities $ntee2 ($coreYear)",''); showVal( $row2['Num_Orgs'] , 'Number of organizations',1); showVal( $row2['cont'] , 'Contributions & grants',1); showVal( $row2['totrev'] , 'Total revenue',1); showVal( $row2['Total_Expenses'] , 'Total expenses',1); showVal( $row2['Total_assets'] , 'Total assets',1); showHdg("Nonprofit Activities per Capita $ntee2 ($coreYear)",''); showVal( $row2['Num_Orgs']/$totPop * 10000 , 'Number of organizations (per 10,000 persons)',3); showVal( $row2['cont']/$totPop , 'Contributions & grants',1); showVal( $row2['totrev']/$totPop , 'Total revenue',1); showVal( $row2['Total_Expenses']/$totPop , 'Total expenses',1); showVal( $row2['Total_assets'] /$totPop, 'Total assets',1); } /***********************************************************/ // private foundations -- /***********************************************************/ if ($view == 'pf'){ $query = "SELECT count(*) as Num_Orgs, SUM(p1totexp - p1contpd) as OtherExp, sum(p2tAsFmv) as Total_assets, sum(p1contpd) as contpd, sum(p1totrev) as totrev FROM $coreFilePf WHERE $q"; if ($debug ==1 ){ echo $query.'
'; } $results2 = runSql($query); $num_results2 = mysql_num_rows($results2); for ( $k=0; $k < $num_results2; $k++) { $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($results2); showHdg("Private Foundation Activities ($coreYearPf)",''); showVal( $row2['Num_Orgs'] , 'Number of foundations',1); showVal( $row2['Total_assets'] , 'Total assets (FMV)',1); showVal( $row2['totrev'] , 'Total revenue',1); showVal( $row2['contpd'] , 'Contributions & grants made',1); showVal( $row2['OtherExp'] , 'Other expenses',1); showHdg("Foundation Activities per Capita $ntee2 ($coreYearPf)",''); showVal( $row2['Num_Orgs']/$totPop * 10000 , 'Number of organizations (per 10,000 persons)',3); showVal( $row2['contpd']/$totPop , 'Contributions & grants',1); showVal( $row2['totrev']/$totPop , 'Total revenue',1); showVal( $row2['Total_assets'] /$totPop, 'Total assets',1); } } /***********************************************************/ // congregations /***********************************************************/ if ($view == 'cong'){ $query = "SELECT count(*) as Num_Orgs, SUM( IF( nteecc like 'X2%', 1,0)) as Congs FROM $bmfFile WHERE ($geoQry) AND SUBSTRING(nteecc,1,1) = 'X'"; if ($debug ==1 ){ echo $query.'
'; } $results2 = runSql($query); $num_results2 = mysql_num_rows($results2); for ( $k=0; $k < $num_results2; $k++) { $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($results2); showHdg("Congregations and Other Religious Organizations ($bmfYear)",''); showVal( $row2['Congs'] , 'Number of congregations',1); showVal( $row2['Num_Orgs'] - $row2['Congs'] , 'Number of other religious organizations',1); showVal( $row2['Num_Orgs'] , 'Total',1); showVal( $row2['Congs']/$totPop * 10000 , 'Number of congregations per 10,000 persons',3); showVal( $row2['Num_Orgs']/$totPop * 10000 , 'Number of organizations per 10,000 persons',3); } } /***********************************************************/ // FIPS CHAR(5), ADD INDEX (ZIP), add index (STATE), ADD INDEX (AGISize); $query = ''; if ($geoscaleid == 11 or $geoscaleid == 5 ){ $query = "SELECT sum(TotReturns2) as TotReturns2, sum(SchANum2) as SchANum2, SUM( ContNum2) as ContNum2, SUM( AGI2) as AGI2, SUM(Cont2) as Cont2 FROM indiv.irs1040zip2004 a, lookup.lu_zip2006 b WHERE a.zip = b.zip5 AND (b.msa = '$code2' or b.pmsa = '$code2' or b.cmsa = '$code2') and a.agilev2 = 'tot'"; } // county: if ($geoscaleid == 3 ){ $query = "SELECT sum(TotReturns2) as TotReturns2, sum(SchANum2) as SchANum2, SUM( ContNum2) as ContNum2, SUM( AGI2) as AGI2, SUM(Cont2) as Cont2 FROM indiv.irs1040zip2004 a, lookup.lu_zip2006 b WHERE a.zip = b.zip5 AND (b.fips = '$code2') and a.agilev2 = 'tot'"; } // state: if ($geoscaleid == 4 ){ $query = "SELECT sum(TotReturns2) as TotReturns2, sum(SchANum2) as SchANum2, SUM( ContNum2) as ContNum2, SUM( AGI2) as AGI2, SUM(Cont2) as Cont2 FROM indiv.irs1040zip2004 a WHERE state = '$code2' and a.agilev2 = 'tot'"; } if ($geoscaleid == 7 ){ $query = "SELECT * FROM indiv.irs1040zip2004 WHERE ZIP = '$code2' and agilev2 = 'tot'"; } if (strlen($query)>0){ // echo $query."
"; $results2 = mysql_query($query); $num_results2 = mysql_num_rows($results2); for ( $k=0; $k < $num_results2; $k++) { $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($results2); if ($row2['TotReturns2'] == 0 ){ echo 'Total returns='.$row2['TotReturns2']."
"; echo $query."
"; // return 0; } showHdg("Household Giving (2004)",''); showVal( $row2['TotReturns2'] , 'Number of households',1); showVal( $row2['SchANum2'] , 'Number of households itemizing deductions',1); showVal( $row2['SchANum2']/$row2['TotReturns2'] * 100 , '% of households itemizing',3); showVal( $row2['ContNum2']/ $row2['SchANum2'] *100 , 'Percentage reporting contributions',3); showVal( $row2['AGI2'], 'Total AGI ($ thousands)',1); showVal( $row2['Cont2'], 'Total contributions ($ thousands)',1); showVal( $row2['Cont2']/$row2['AGI2']*100 , 'Contributions as a % of AGI',3); } } // echo "geoscaleid: $geoscaleid
"; } /***********************************************************/ // show values function showVal($val, $alias, $options){ global $linecounter, $bcolor, $white; if ($val == null){ return; } $linecounter++; if ($linecounter % 2 == 1) { $color = $bcolor; } else {$color = $white;} print "\t$linecounter. $alias\n"; $align = 'LEFT'; if ($options == 1){ $val = number_format($val); $align = 'RIGHT'; } elseif ($options == 2) { $val = fixcase($val); } if ($options == 3){ $val = number_format($val,2); $align = 'RIGHT'; } if ($val == null) {$val = '-';} print "\t\t$val"; // show state // show U.S. echo "\n"; } // show heading: function showHdg($val, $options){ global $linecounter, $bcolor, $white; //$linecounter++; //if ($linecounter % 2 == 1) { $color = $bcolor; } else {$color = $white;} $bgcolor = '#99CCFF'; if ( strpos(strtolower($options), 'white')=== true){ $bgcolor = 'WHITE'; } print "\t$val\n"; } ?>