The Nonprofit FAQ: Nongovernmental Regulation

Select an FAQ   (5):

Background on Accounting
Some useful links that offer information about accounting questions, organizations, and practices.
How can nonprofits evaluate their fundraising productivity?
An expert in nonprofit accountability and evaluation shares his insights on how to interpret fundraising costs in a collection of essays called the Fundraising Productivity Series.
What is the Cyber-Accountability discussion list? Where can I find it?
Cyb-Acc is a long-running discussion among people with an interest in using the Internet to increase transparency and improve accountability about US nonprofits' operations.
What is the Cyber-Accountability discussion list? Where can I find it?
Cyb-Acc is a long-running discussion among people with an interest in using the Internet to increase transparency and improve accountability about US nonprofits' operations.
Where can I find out what the 'watchdogs' are looking at?
The National Council of Nonprofit Organizations and the National Human Service Assembly reviewed the work of five organizations that rate charities in 2005.