The Nonprofit FAQ

What's a good program development strategy?
The National Capital Freenet described their program development strategy

Goals & Objectives

1. Develop a sufficient volunteer corps:

a. Volunteer Administration

b. Recruitment (as needed)

2. Ensure volunteers are properly trained & placed:

c. Orientation

d. Training

e. Placement

3. Ensure ongoing volunteer needs are met:

f. Supervision

g. Co-ordination

h. Performance Review/Evaluation

i. Recognition

4. Improve volunteer / staff relations:

j. Clarify Org. Structure

k. Team-Building

Free Management Library offers guidelines for program planning and development, including:

  • What's a Nonprofit Program?
  • 6 Cornerstones for Solid Program Planning
  • 8 Guidelines to Keep Program Planning on Track
  • Program Direction: Goals and Objectives
  • Program Process (Process, Resources and Budget)
  • Program Evaluation
  • Resources are suggested for program evaluation, as well


Modified 1/19/00 -- CM