The Nonprofit FAQ

How do I incorporate an organization as a nonprofit?
It isn't as complicated as you might think.

If there is an association of nonprofits in your state, they will probably be able to give you some good guidance, and you should probably join as a member and support the health of the nonprofit sector in any case. You can check the state-by-state list in the "List of Organizations and Other Resources" section of this FAQ to see if there is an association that can help you -- A-M is in
and N-Z is in


A very popular and widely used handbook (good for all 50 states): Mancuso, Anthony, How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation from Nolo Press; it includes a disk with prototypes of necessary incorporation documents. You can find information about the book on the"> Nolo Press website. You can also order this book online through (and a small portion of the purchase price will come to us to help support this service)."> Order How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation now.

Other books

A new practical guide by a widely quoted legal expert: Bruce Hopkins, Starting and Managing a Nonprofit Organization: A Legal Guide (John Wiley & Sons). This book is also available from Amazon.Com (and again, your purchase will generate a royalty that will help maintain the Nonprofit FAQ)."> Order Starting and Managing a Nonprofit Organization now.

And third, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reviewed Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization (2nd ed.) by Joan M. Hummel on July 25, 1996 (p. 34). The review says "The book emphasizes small nonprofit groups...." Again, you can get this book online on the same terms.">Order Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization now.

Updated with ordering information 1/8/99, 2/19/04; 3/13/08 -- PB