The Nonprofit FAQ

Good interview questions when hiring a volunteer coordinator
Someone asked in Nonprofit (see in February 2004:

What kinds of interview questions should we put to the candidate in order
to determine if they understand volunteer management and retention?

Jayne Cravens of the United Nations Volunteer Program (see responded with these suggestions:

  • Tell me about your previous experiences recruiting volunteers.
    (how you did it, how many you had to recruit annually, did you ever have to
    recruit for a sudden need, etc.)
  • Did you create the assignments for the volunteers, or did other staff create
    the assignments?
  • Did you assist staff in creating volunteer assignments? Tell me about what
    it was like for you to help the staff in this capacity.
    How did you recognize/reward volunteers for their contributions?
  • Who were your volunteers? (seniors? women? youth?)
  • Have you actively recruited volunteers from a particular demographic?
    (women, seniors, youth, people from a particular part of town, etc.)
    (If yes) tell me about that experience
  • What was your turnover rate like among volunteers? Did most return to
    volunteer again?
  • What was the reason volunteers stopped volunteering for your organization?
  • What are some of the the biggest challenges you have faced in working with
    volunteers, and how did you deal with it?
  • What is your favorite volunteer management/volunteerism resource book?
  • What is your favorite volunteer management/volunteerism online resource?

Posted 3/2/04 -- PB