The Nonprofit FAQ

Where are nonprofit jobs suitable for students listed?
On September 10, 2001, Donald A. Griesmann, Esq., Ventnor, NJ, prepared this list of nonprofit employment sites; it is no longer being updated.

A general introduction to all the career-related information at Idealist is found at


Pro Bono Students of America Public Interest Clearinghouse,, has free posting of jobs and for placing a resume. The
jobs are worldwide and not only in law-related fields. Students post resumes
and employers can search the resume bank at no charge using specific search
criteria. Employers are required to register, at no cost, to learn the name
of any candidates who fit their criteria. After finding a candidate, there
may be fees for the employer.

There are a number of universities, colleges, graduate and law schools and
other entities that maintain their own web sites for employment
opportunities. Check with schools in your community. Some samples include
Georgetown University Law Center Office of Public Interest and Public
Service,, Public Interest Projects in
Atlanta,, and Harvard Law Office of Public
Interest Advising,

The web site, a service of Monster Dot Com, is for
students seeking summer jobs and employers seeking students to work, listed
by university or college.

Completely revised by Don Griesmann, 9/10/01; divided into separate
specialized items at that time -- PB