The Nonprofit FAQ

Nonprofit Resource Websites
The Capaciteria is an interesting experiment in collecting user feedback about online resources designed to help nonprofits. Any visitor can use the extensive lists of useful links to other websites. The links are arranged in categories to facilitate navigation. Registration is required to suggest new links and contribute to the ratings.

On August 27, 1998, Scott Sheldon wrote to to announce:

Arizona State University's Nonprofit Management Institute lists Comprehensive Nonprofit Resource Websites at

This Nonprofit FAQ has a list of online resources for nonprofits with a slightly different slant at

The Nonprofit Management Program of the Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy. New School University, in New York posted the Milano Nonprofit Management Knowledge Hub at until November 2004. Resources were categorized in terms of potential readers' interests. The listed sites were reviewed and rated by expert volunteers. Unfortunately, the site is no longer operational

Posted August 29, 1998; 4/12/01; revised 10/20/02; 10/13/03; 11/8/04; 5/23/05 -- PB