The Nonprofit FAQ

Can a non-US organization receive tax deductible donations?
An email inquiry on October 2, 2003, conveyed this question:

From a Turks and Caicos (TCI) Non Profit Org. formation Attorney. How does the a Turks and Caicos Non Profit Org. become "recognized" in the U.S. and accept charitable contributions/donations, which U.S. companies/U.S. individuals could
deduct from their taxes?

Putnam Barber replied:

The first page of IRS Pub 526 (see
declares that contributions to organizations outside the United States are not
deductible by US taxpayers (with limited exceptions in Canada, Mexico and

There are support organizations that have been set up in the US to collect and
distribute donations that benefit organizations overseas. The US organization
must have an exempt purpose that qualifies under US law and operate
independently, making its own decisions about what to support, when, and for
how much. Information on creating a US exempt organization (a "charity") is
found in the "Start Up" section at and in
many other sources.

See also

Created 10/2/03 -- PB