The Nonprofit FAQ

What are some useful books about nonprofits?
The American Association of University Presses has a moderated listing of publications by members on nonprofit topics (prepared originally by Prof Mark Sidel of the University of Iowa College of Law). See

The major online booksellers have incorporated quite sophisticated search tools into their websites; it is easy to find extensive lists of materials about nonprofits (and more specialized topics) by using them. Or, for a list of recent nonprofit "best sellers" at Amazon.Com, see the link in

And then of course there is Idealist's own The Handbook to Building a Better World published in March of 2009. Click">here to order the Handbook from now; a royalty will be paid which helps support this site.

Note: The Bibliography at the NONPROFIT FAQ has grown too large to
be handled by our editing database software, so it has been divided into
three parts. Not very many new publications have been added to this extensive list, so the links above (and elsewhere in this area of the FAQ) may give more current references.

For authors with last names starting with A through H
For authors with last names starting with I through R
For authors with last names starting with S through Z

NOTE: Suggestions of other useful and interesting printed
materials are,
of course, very welcome. Please use the feedback service linked from the top of the yellow panel to the right. The best sort of listings are brief
yet give the full publication information, including price if
and a capsule description of contents.

Revised to use three parts 1/21/00; introductory notes on other sources added 6/25/04; links corrected 3/1/06; Idealist "Handbook" added 3/6/09 -- PB