The Nonprofit FAQ

How can we better the odds of getting a grant?
Advice from the earliest days of the FAQ.

With diligent research, sound organization, and supportable proposals. Do not be lured into chasing grants just because they are apparently available; stick to your organization's mission and real needs, then search for funders who are interested in the kind of thing you do and cultivate those funders.

Follow guidelines precisely. Work key phrases from the foundation's statement of purpose into your statement of objectives. Have any of your board members or good friends who know any foundation board members write them personal letters in support of the proposal. Include as addenda letters of support from important people, helpful excerpts from official sources, news clippings, etc.. Keep trying.

Note: many grantwriters swear that success requires establishing a personal (by phone) relationship with someone at the foundation. In some communities, grantwriters and other fundraising professionals have regular meetings where one perennial topic is discussion of the specifics of how best to approach foundations that seem promising for a given program or organization.

An early FAQ item -- Ed.