The Nonprofit FAQ

What state rules and regulations apply to nonprofits?
For a quick link to official webpages for the agencies with major responsibility for working with nonprofits in each state, visit the IRS webpage at,,id=129028,00.html.

Many states participate in the Multi-State Filer program for registration and reporting on charitable solicitations. To learn more about how to use this system, visit

There are many important differences among the state rules for nonprofits. State rules may set standards for board performance, employee rights, tax-exemptions of many sorts, public disclosure of organizations' activities, and regulation of charitable solicitations.

There are associations of nonprofits in many states. They are usually membership organizations; many offer advice and assistance to nonmembers as well. Some offer regular seminars and have low-cost publications on the laws and regulations that cover nonprofits' operations in their states. These organizations, and others that provide management and other forms of nonfinancial support to nonprofits, are listed in two FAQ items: for states from Alaska to Montana, see; for states from Nebraska to Wyoming, see (Some of the state listings show very limited resources.)

Posted 5/24/05 -- PB