The Nonprofit FAQ

Where can I find research reports about boards?
David Renz, Director of the Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership at the University of Missouri -- Kansas City, wrote to ARNOVA-L (see on February 3, 2006:

The Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership (University of Missouri - Kansas City) has produced and continues to maintain and update a comprehensive annotated bibliography of all of the research and scholarly writing on nonprofit governance and boards (this is an annotated bibliography of everything that has appeared in the US/Canadian/UK academic sphere, including papers at ARNOVA and ISTR conferences) since 1995 (and a little from the 3 years before that).

This resource is available by clicking on the "research" section of our web site.

The Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership URL is:

Bibliography URL:

This tool is designed to provide a comprehensive research resource on nonprofit governance and boards, and we welcome feedback on any articles that we are missing. It does not include books, Chronicle or NP Times or BoardSource newsletter articles because its focus is academic papers and articles in journals.

Posted 2/3/06 -- PB