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Organization Listing

SELECT * FRoM ( (sELECT a.ein as ID, concat_ws('', '',, '
',,', ', a.state, ' ', a.zip5) as Name, CASE WHEN length(>0 then WHEN length(n1.p0website) > 0 then n1.p0website WHEN length(n2.j_web) > 0 then n2.j_web WHEN length(n3.p0website) > 0 then n3.p0website else '' end as Website, CASE WHEN length( > 0 then WHEN length(n1.p0phone) > 0 then n1.p0phone WHEN length(n2.e_phone) > 0 then n2.e_phone WHEN length(n3.p0phone) > 0 then n3.p0phone else '' end as Phone from nccs.nteedocAllEins a LEFT JOIN platform.SC_old990_table1 n1 ON a.ein = n1.ein and n1.latestOne = 1 LEFT JOIN platform.SC_new990_table1 n2 ON a.ein = n2.ein and n2.latestOne = 1 LEFT JOIN platform.SC_990ez_table1 n3 ON a.ein = n3.ein and n3.latestOne = 1 LEFT JOIN platform.organizationSupplemental supp on a.ein = supp.ein where a.latestBMF = 1 and length(a.ein) = 9 and a. group by UNION (SELECT a.ID, concat_ws('', '',, '
',,', ', a.state, ' ', a.zip5) as Name, if( length(> 0,, as Website, if( length(> 3,, as Phone from nccs.nteedocNoEin a LEFT JOIN platform.organizationSupplemental supp on a.ID = supp.orgID where a.isActive = 1 and a.isDeleted = 0 and length( > 0 and a. group by ) a ORDER BY name LIMIT 10
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