Community Platform

Search Active Organizations

Enter information on the organization(s) you wish you to find in the form below to view their IRS Form 990s and more.
Enter organization name or keyword(s):

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    Limit to current 990 filers
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Federal EIN:
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Search tips
  • Search for Unusual parts of an organization name. For example, to find "Admiral Jeremiah Denton Foundation," search for "Jeremiah Denton".
  • This search is not case sensitive.
  • If you include only a common word ("theater"), include the town to limit the results.
  • Using the default settings, the order of the words does not matter. Example: "LAZARUS ORDER" retrieves the "ORDER OF ST. LAZARUS".
  • Spelling must be exact, so avoid words that may be abbreviated. Example: "ST." IN "ST. LAZARUS".
  • Some names are abbreviated (e.g., INSTITUTION is INST or UNIVERSITY is UNIV.) For best results, try both. (We plan to standardize these soon.)
  • Surround multiple words with QUOTATION MARKS if the words must appear together (e.g., "SIERRA CLUB" instead of SIERRA CLUB).
  • Advanced search only: Put a space on either side of a word to exclude, for example, "Buford" from a search for "Ford".
    In this example, type " Ford " in the search box.
  • Search for a list of organizations or EINs:
    Choose Advanced Search. Begin the entry with 'orgs:' or 'eins:' on the 1st line. Put each organization name (keywords are acceptable) or EIN on a separate line after that.
    (Apostrophes, parentheses and quotes will be automatically removed.)

Freeform Filter examples:
  • INCOME BETWEEN 1000000 AND 1000000
    (INCOME=gross receipts; ASSETS=total end-of-year assets; you can also use '1e6' for $1 mil., '1.2e7' for $12 mil., etc.)
  • EIN in ('541282616', '510169168', '112697261', '592174510', '131656634', '136110212') AND taxyr ='2004'

* Tax Period is the organization's most recently completed tax period. The date is typically the last day of the organization's fiscal year

A service of the The Civic Leadership Project
IRS Form 990 images provided by The Foundation Center