libraryDirectory.'settings.php'); include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'head.php'); require($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'proclib.php'); include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'datacon.php'); // 1/23: include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'getImage.php'); // echo "

user: $user

"; $action = ''; $gEin = getVal('ein','','get'); $gAction = getVal('a', '', 'get'); $gBmfOnly = strtoupper(getVal('bmf','', 'get')); $getVal = getVal('gQry','', 'get'); $listid = getVal('listid','','get'); $thisApp = curPageURL(); $thisApp = '/PubApps/990search.php?bmf='.$gBmfOnly; $gUserOk = 0; if (isset($gUser)){ if (strlen($gUser)>0){ $userID = get1value("SELECT idauto from admin.sp_users where upper('$gUser') = upper(username)"); $gUserOk = 1; } } $debug = 0; // Switch to let me view debugging info while system is live: if ($gUser == 'tpollak' or $gUser == 'protich' or $ip == ''){ $debug = 0; } debug('banner db: '.$dbstate); $maxRecs = 650; if (checkUserAccessRights($gUser, 'CMTY',0) == 1 ){ $cmtyUser = 1; } /***********************************************************/ // display results: /***********************************************************/ if ($getInput == '1'){ // $q = $_POST['q']; debug('ntee post: '.$_POST['ntee']); $ein = fixText($_POST['ein'], 'stripPunc'); $orgname = fixText( $_POST['orgname'], 'stripPunc'); $state = fixText($_POST['state'], 'stripPunc'); $location = fixText($_POST['location'], 'stripPunc'); $nteeFilter = fixText(strtoupper($_POST['nteeFilter']), 'stripPunc'); $latest = fixText( $_POST['latest'], 'stripPunc'); $bmfOnly = fixText( $_POST['bmfOnly'], 'stripPunc'); $irsType = fixText( $_POST['irsType'], 'stripPunc'); $filers = fixText( $_POST['filers'], 'stripPunc'); $orgSearchType = fixText( $_POST['orgSearchType'], 'stripPunc'); // $freeform = fixText( $_POST['freeform'], 'stripPunc'); // $freeform = mysql_real_escape_string($freeform); $orderBy = fixText( $_POST['orderBy'], 'stripPunc'); // $liveNteeSearch = fixText( $_POST['liveNteeSearch'], 'stripPunc'); $liveNteeSearch = $_POST['liveNteeSearch']; $npcCode = fixText( $_POST['npcCode'], 'stripPunc'); $npcCode2 = fixText( $_POST['npcCode2'], 'stripPunc'); $includeSubCategories = fixText( $_POST['includeSubCategories'], 'stripPunc'); $displayAddress = $_POST['displayAddress']; debug('npc: '.$npcCode); debug('ntee: '.$nteeFilter); if ($gUser == 'tpollak'){ // echo "liveNteeSearch $liveNteeSearch
"; } if (strlen($listid) > 0 ){ // passed as parameter: $userListIdShow = $listid; $bmfOnly = '1'; $orderBy = 'name'; } else { $userListIdShow = $_POST['userListIdShow']; } } $start = date('m/d/Y H:i:s'); $startTime = time(); $limit2bmf = ''; $limit2bmfNR = ''; // unregistered orgs' file $idFld = 'EIN'; $hiliteNonReg = 0; $title = 'Shared Resources'; // Determines if EON link is exposed: $eonUser = checkUserAccessRights($gUser,'EON',0); // 1=yes // Permit tagging/custom list management? $doCheckBox = 0; if ($eonUser == 1){ $doCheckBox = 1; } $title2 = getTitle($title, $gUser); echo "$title2\n"; ?> "; // echo "
"; $moreTopMenuStuff = ''; if ($gBmfOnly == 'N'){ $moreTopMenuStuff = "Add - "; } $moreTopMenuStuff .= "Search Again - Advanced Search - "; if ($gUserOk == 1){ $moreTopMenuStuff .= "Custom lists - "; } if (0){ if ($gUserOk == 1){ echo "Logout $gUser\n"; } else { echo "Login\n"; } echo " 
\n"; } include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'head2.php'); echo "


\n"; $services = ' Accounting | Development & fundraising | Grantwriting | Human resources | Insurance | Volunteer coordinator '; $goods = ' Arts | Office equip.| Office, meeting & recreation spaces | Sports & rec. | Transportation '; echo "
Services: ".$services.'
'; echo 'Goods & more: '.$goods."

"; /* echo "Select a service to find or add:  

Selection: All goods and services in Sturbridge


Bus driver (AVAILABLE)
Rehabilitative Resources Incorporated
Sturbridge, MA
Last updated on: September 29, 2009
Description: We have only need bus driver part-time but would like to keep her on payroll ...
Bookkeeper (AVAILABLE)
Sturbridge Nursery School
Sturbridge, MA
Last updated on: September 29, 2009
Description: Our excellent part-time bookkeeper could manage books for another org. ...

Goods and Space

Meeting room seating 100 (AVAILABLE)
Old Sturbridge, Inc.
Sturbridge, MA
Last updated on: September 20, 2009
Description: Available weekends and Wednesdays.
Indoor gym or space (WANTED)
Team Massachusetts Basketball
Sturbridge, MA
Last updated on: December 1, 2008
Description: Need indoor space for practices.
Basketballs (WANTED)
Team Massachusetts Basketball
Sturbridge, MA
Last updated on: September 29, 2009
Description: We need exta balls to donate to local schools.

libraryDirectory.'footer.php'); ?>