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Connect Cape Cod
Connect Cape Cod
Find • Learn • Get Involved

Welcome to CONNECT Cape Cod, a web-based central access point for community resources and information.  

CONNECT Cape Cod provides data, knowledge and interactive tools for effective collaboration among nonprofits, government, funders, and other stakeholders about a wide range of issues which impact the quality of life on Cape Cod.  

CONNECT Cape Cod allows you to find and connect with organizations in your area, access comprehensive data of Cape Cod's nonprofit sector, share information, and find and post opportunities. Looking for a deeper dive into one specific issue-area? You can also find links to a number of topic specific, online local resource guides.

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211 Massachuesetts


Cape Cod Volunteers

Cape Cod Volunteers matches people with meaningful volunteer opportunities.

Workforce Training Fund

This statewide program provides employers in Massachusetts-INCLUDING NONPROFITS-with funding to train and develop their employees.

Nonprofit Consultant Directory

Search and find individuals and/or agencies interested in providing consulting services within our community.

Wilkens Library Grant Center

Nonprofits and other grant seekers looking for funding sources have FREE access to a valuable collection of resources and online directories.



James Holland Davis Fund of The Cape Cod Foundation

O'Keefe Family Charitable Fund of The Cape Cod Foundation

Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office


CONNECT Cape Cod is the result of a community-wide visioning and planning process, facilitated by The Cape Cod Foundation.         The Cape Cod Foundation is a community foundation whose mission is to build permanent charitable resources for community betterment through informed grantmaking and civic leadership.

Connect Cape Cod Logo

Welcome to CONNECT Cape Cod, an online community platform that brings together resources and interactive tools for organizations, funders, researchers, and community members.

Please make sure to find and update your organization’s profile. If you discover that your organization is not represented, don’t worry, send us a message and we’ll correct the issue.

Is something not working properly? Let us know by clicking the ‘Feedback’ button in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

Thank you. We look forward to working together to make the Cape Cod community even stronger!

--The CONNECT Cape Cod Team

Need Help Now? Dial 2-1-1.

211 Massachuesetts

  1. First time here? Great! This three minute tutorial tour will help you learn your way around CONNECT Cape Cod.
  2. Click here to register. Registration gives you access to advanced features like the ability to update information, create custom lists, save your settings and receive updates.
  3. Discover resources available in our community. These will rotate and change over time.
  4. Learn more about the towns and villages that make up Cape Cod
  5. Explore a community topic and learn about initiatives dedicated to improving the quality of life on Cape Cod
  6. Find organizations in your area and access data about community indicators
  7. Find and post documents, videos, websites and more in the community library
  8. Find and post job opportunities, goods and services
  9. Learn why CONNECT Cape Cod was created and the partners who helped make it a reality
  10. Click here for a technical question or glitch. This will alert the Urban Institute and make it easier to identify the issue.
  11. Click the fishing poles for more ways to engage
  12. Thanks for taking the time to explore CONNECT Cape Cod. We welcome your questions, feedback, and success stories!