CTData Collaborative
Nonprofit Platform

Community Impact Circle Dashboard

Please note: This Community Impact Circle has zero programs.
In order to record results for indicators, you must add at least one program to this circle by clicking 'Manage' and then 'Add Programs to this Circle'. If you cannot find the program you would like to add by searching, please click here for information on how to add a program.

New Haven

Management Tasks

Sorry, you must be a member of this Circle to view Management Tasks.

Recent Activity


No projects yet.

Open Tasks View All

No tasks yet.


Nothing scheduled yet.

Outcome Indicators

This circle has no public outcome indicators.

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Document Vault

Web-based storage to share documents for your Circle.

If you would like to add your program to this Community Impact Circle but are unable to find it by searching, you may have to add your program to our system. Our system requires that each program must be associated with an 'organization' in our system so you can start by finding your organization by searching here or adding your organization. If you are adding your organization, you will have to wait until a Community Administrator has approved your new organization. Once that has happened, continue as below.

Once you have found your organization's profile (new or existing), you can add a program by clicking 'Add A Program'. If you do not see this button in the top right corner of the organization profile, you may need to make sure you are logged in.

Fill out the required fields, click 'Submit' at the bottom of the screen and you are done! You may need to wait for Administrative approval of your new program.

Once your new program has been approved, you can return to this screen and follow the normal procedure for adding a program to the circle by going to 'Manage' and clicking 'Add Program to this Circle'.

AccessType [Private]
ListAdmin [0]

Notice: Undefined variable: isCmtyAdmin in /var/www/html/communityplatform/application/modules/common/controllers/CicController.php on line 87