libraryDirectory; include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'util.php'); include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'settings.php'); require($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'proclib.php'); include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'datacon.php'); $gUser = (isset($_SESSION['gUser'])) ? $_SESSION['gUser'] : ''; $userID = getUserID($gUser); if (checkUserAccessRights($gUser, 'ADMIN',1,1) == 0 ){ return; } $sql = new MySQL_class; $sql->Create('nccs_links'); $sql2 = new MySQL_class; $sql2->Create('nccs_links'); $dir = '/var/www/html/kbfiles/'; $sql->Query("select ID, File, File2 from LINKS where (File != '' OR File IS NOT NULL) or (File2 != '' OR File2 IS NOT NULL) order by ID"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i ++) { $sql->fetch($i); list($linkID, $file1, $file2) = $sql->data; print "$linkID
"; /* Check to see if the directory exists */ if (!empty($file1) || !empty($file2)) { if (!is_dir($dir.$linkID)) { mkdir($dir.$linkID, 0755); print "Created dir : ".$dir.$linkID."
"; } } if (!empty($file1)) { /* Copy the file */ copy($dir.$file1, $dir.$linkID.'/'.$file1); $sql2->Insert("insert into LINK_FILES (link_files_id, file_name, link_id, create_date, owner) values(0,'$file1', $linkID, NOW(), 'tpollak')"); print "ADDED: file 1 $file1
"; } if (!empty($file2)) { /* Copy the file */ copy($dir.$file2, $dir.$linkID.'/'.$file2); $sql2->Insert("insert into LINK_FILES (link_files_id, file_name, link_id, create_date, owner) values(0,'$file2', $linkID, NOW(), 'tpollak')"); print "ADDED: file 2 $file2
"; } print "
"; } ?>