
What do the values for IRSFORM on the Imagelist database mean?

New 990 Form Type Meanings

Returns having Subsection code C3

Code Meaning

990 990

990EZ 990EZ

990R 990 Rescans

990ER 990EZ Rescans

990A 990 Amended

990EA 990EZ Amended

Returns having Subsection code other than C3

Code Meaning

990O 990 Others

990OA 990 Others Amended

990OR 990 Others Rescan

990EO 990EZ Others

990EOA 990EZ Others Amended

990EOR 990EZ Others Rescans

The term "Others" refers to any 990 with a subsection code not equal to '3'.

The term "Amended" indicates the return is not an original filing but an amended return.

The term "Rescan" indicates the return was rescanned after tax processing made changes to the return.

A column in the .dat file (the one right after the 990 type code) shows the Subsection code values. For all the C3 types, the subsection code should be 3. For the Others types, the subsection code should be anything other than 3, including nulls. Nulls indicate the Subsection code was left blank by the taxpayer, or has yet to be determined by IRS tax processing. We scan before that determination is made.

From and email by David K. Hamilton, IRS, Ogden, UT.

Added 06/07/2005 by kgollada, Modified 11/13/2008 by tpollak


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