The Nonprofit FAQ

Strategies to Encourage and Find Donations of Equipment
See also

Sylvie McGee added:

If you want to get this equipment, try some new approaches:

1. Find out whethere there is a "Computers for Charity" type
organization in your area or the nearest metro area. If you check your
local computer newspaper, or contact the local bulletin board systems,
they should be able to refer you.

2. Talk with anyone you know who is a computer-junkie. Often they will
collect, swap and buy equipment cheap. If you can convince them of your
cause, they may be able to help you put together a system.

3. Approach, hat in hand, computer dealerships and/or computer repair
shops in your area. They may not be able to release the latest and
greatest, but they may be willing to make old equipment donations from
stock that isn't moving. DO THIS NOW - so that you can get advantage of
their willingness to make tax deductible donations.

4. If you are serving the g/l/b community, ask local interest papers to
run a brief news blurb, or bite the bullet and put a small ad in the
classifieds section stating your need.

5. Let local United Way or other coordinated charity know of your need.
Some run Christmas "wish-list" drives.

6. Break your cost into small pieces and approach a dozen existing
donors for a special gift to help you buy the equipment outright.

7. If you are a qualified non-profit, see whether your state has a
surplus property disposal system through which you can get access to
donated equipment.

8. As a last resort, post your request for help to a LOCAL computer
bulletin board, making a strong case for the donation and appealing to
the donor's interests....helping the community, being a good person,
getting a tax write-off, saving kids, whatever you have to sell.

An item from the mid-90s. Updates and revisions invited. --PB