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Connect Cape Cod
Connect Cape Cod
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Issues & Initiatives

Follow the links to explore resources, data, and to learn what's happening in these broadly defined community topic areas. 

This section is a work in progress and content will be added continually, with a focus on community-wide topics where multi-organization partnerships and collaboratives are working together to expand collective impact. 

Don't see a page for your work? Propose a page or idea!

Expanding Health & Human Services

Learn about the issues affecting the health and healthcare landscape of Cape Cod.

Supporting Youth and Their Families

A common vision to create a healthy Cape Cod for ALL young people.

Enriching Life Through Arts & Culture

There are a variety of opportunities to experience theater, visual art, music, and more on Cape Cod.

Embracing Veterans & Military Service Members

With an aging population and sizeable military presence, there is increasing demand for veterans services on Cape Cod.

Tackling Substance Use

Learn about regional efforts in our community to address this epidemic and how you can get involved in the solutions.