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Connect Cape Cod
Connect Cape Cod
Find • Learn • Get Involved


Creating an an account with Connect Cape Cod affords you the capability to interact with the website in a more substantive way. Learn about all of the features one can take advantage of as a registered user below.

Maps & Data

Users can create a map of organizations, program, or places by zipcode, county or customized region. 'Flags' on the map designate the type of organization or program they represent (civil rights, youth services, etc.).

Resource Directory of Organizations and Programs

Organizational profiles offer a range of information about organizations including addresses, payment options, their activity codes, as well as programs associated with that organization. Profiles can be updated by the Community Administrator or other authorized users.


This centralized directory of goods and services -- a sort of 'Craigslist for Nonprofits' -- is intended to help organizations develop partnerships or to share resources with other nonprofits. Organizations can post both 'needs' and 'available goods and services' in the Classifieds.

Community Library: Community Best Practices

The Community Library acts as a warehouse of critical resources that can help organizations perform better within their communities. Building on our own work and that of key national partners, the Community Library includes links to successful community projects, information on best practices, and webinars addressing various topics (program management, project development, advocacy, etc.)

Project Management Tools: Creating Project Teams

The Platform allows users and organizations to form project teams in the hope of addressing community concerns. The Projects section allows teams to assign tasks, make lists, or send notes to other members of the project team.

Custom Lists

Users can create custom lists of organizations based on any specified criteria. Custom Lists allow project teams as well as individual users to analyze and share information on organizations across a range of nonprofit categories. Custom Lists can be used to map and analyze nonprofit information including members, programs, finances, and more.

How to Register:

To register:

>  Click here to Register Now.

> Fill out all the information and “Submit”

To find your organization:

> Look to the right-hand side toolbar on the home page.

> Find “For Organizations." 

> Click on the fishing pole and choose “Find and Update Your Organization’s Profile

> Follow the prompts and enter the appropriate information.

> If you can't find your organization or are still having trouble, email Dara Gannon, Community Administrator, at [email protected].

We welcome your questions, feedback, and success stories!